Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to all of our most frequently asked questions

Do you ship internationally?

Yes – we ship our furniture worldwide. Since shipping costs vary depending on destination, please inquire for a quote. All furniture is packed thoroughly and has custom made protection.

What is the cost of shipping?

Since shipping costs vary depending on destination, please inquire for a quote.

Is the furniture new?

No. All furniture is approximately 70-100 years old. Therefore there can be small imperfections such as dents, scratches, cracks and similar. We try to give you a fair understanding of the state of the furniture by taking pictures and writing information of any imperfections. The book pages may have a changing shade depending on age.

Is the surface of the furniture fragile?

The book pages attached to the furniture are raw paper, there is no lacquer or protection on the surface. This means that they can be stained from liquids, pens and similar.

How do I maintain the furniture?

Wooden surfaces can be treated with furniture wood oil to keep the luster. Make sure you don’t get oil on the paper.

What is “Nordens Flora”?

“Nordens Flora” is a series of books. These books were first published in the early 1900’s by the botanist Carl A. M. Lindman and contains a number of colored paintings of flowers and plants that grow in the Nordic countries.

Who designed the furniture?

The original designer of the Flora cabinets was Josef Frank. The furniture sold by Swedish Modern Studios are not original Josef Frank pieces.

Do you have a question?

Don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer any of your questions.